« Juste des émotions » : penser le GN et la justice sociale avec Sara Ahmed [in French]

« La justice devient une forme de ressenti, qui relève d’un « sentiment-de-semblable », une capacité de ressentir des choses pour autrui et de compatir à sa douleur. »

This year, I propose to revive my own tradition of over-ambitious nerd stuff by trying to apply to LARP some thoughts from The Cultural Politics of Emotions (2004) by queer and racialized philosopher and activist Sara Ahmed. In this book, which fascinated me, she looks at how our emotions are shaped by the political context, and how politics seizes on them in return. I’m particularly interested in a passage from her conclusion, in which Ahmed questions a certain vision of justice that would be limited to feeling “the right emotions” – effectively erasing the material conditions of reparation and taking into account the wrongs done. His reflections, always nuanced, seem to me interesting for questioning the potentially pedagogical virtues of LARP, particularly with regard to issues linked to systemic oppressions. Ultimately, Ahmed says about emotions what we can already say about games: they’re “only” emotions… But maybe that’s something.


Conference | Axiel Cazeneuve

Sunday 29 october, 3:00 p.m.- 5:15 p.m.
