Tables rondes

How to play a storm / LARP in SAR(search and rescue) operations

1) How to play a storm is about how LARP can be implemented in simulations and scenarios for Disaster managament, also how can we go from there to the business world and make educational or stress test simulations for our...

Mi-conférence mi-table ronde autour de la précarité + 10 façons d’aider les GNistes pauvres (in French)

It's well known that Larp is an expensive hobby, so while it may seem strange to build a conference looking at the needs of poor Larpers / people with structural poverty who would like to try Larp, it's more necessary...

Du seum au fun : gestion de la frustration en GN (in French)

(In French)Whether you're a player or an org, there's one enemy worse than the Necromancer of the final battle: frustration. Here's some advice and discussion on how to deal with feelings of frustration in GN!   Interactive Talk/span> | Gaspard...

Nouveaux venus : une barrière à l’entrée ? (in French)

(In French)When describing the concept of GN to a newcomer, who hasn't heard the phrase "I didn't even know it existed"? This lack of awareness of the hobby is linked to a number of factors: poor (or incomplete) representation in...

Il faut que GNesse se fasse (In French)

(In French)Several organizations organize Larp for kids and teens. I'd like to facilitate a meeting between them. Let them ask each other questions about the different aims and objectives they have set themselves, or ask each other questions about observations...

It’s not bad to feel good. The meaningfulness of slice of life and feelgood larp

(En Anglais) Larp needs to be packed with action and activities. Or with tears and type two fun. Or with high drama and soap opera moments. Go big or go home, ideally with a panda face because of all the...

GN & EcoResponsabilité – “Make Larp Sustainable Again”

At a time when our Western societies are becoming increasingly aware of the challenges posed by ecological issues, I'd like, after a brief introduction, to invite you to reflect together on the following topics: - Which elements of current Larp...