BEta Larp 2024: theme

At last… ! We’re unveiling this year’s BEta Larp theme. It’s a theme that’s very dear to all of us, and one that might just make you dream a little.


The ones we leave behind us, for those who follow, so that others can carry on and take up what we’ve created.
The ones we follow, that lead us somewhere, that enable us to continue or build something new.
Those that we observe, that teach us, that we preserve and cherish, or that fade away forever.

Traces are numerous, if you pay attention. They hide themselves in small, discreet steps in the world of GN. We find them as archival elements, almost museum-like, used to analyze the past and better interact with the present. We find them in transmission, from one generation to the next, from one team to the next, from one story to the next. They inscribe us in traditions and serve to mark turning points, giving each era its particular flavor, its novelty. They are what has been and what will be.
The traces are there, in us, in you.
All we have to do is follow them…


See you next week to launch your proposals for BEta Larp! Spread the word, keep the event alive and may these traces be anchored in us forever 🤗

Translated with (free version)


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